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Discover Which Type of Martial Arts Class Is Perfect for You

Martial arts are not just about physical fitness and self-defence; they're also about discipline, respect and self-confidence. The benefits of practising martial arts are vast, ranging from better focus, strength, coordination and flexibility to self-mastery. The great thing about martial arts is that there's a style out there for everyone. Whether you're looking to get into shape, find inner peace or learn self-defence skills, there's a martial arts class that suits your needs. Here are the different types of martial arts classes you can take to discover which one is perfect for you.


Originating from Japan, Karate is a striking martial art that emphasises hand and foot strikes, punches and kicks. In Karate classes, you'll learn forms or kata, solo routines of movements that simulate combat scenarios. Karate does not involve grappling and ground fighting. It requires discipline, focus and patience, and it's excellent for improving your physical fitness and coordination.


Taekwondo is another striking martial art that focuses on high kicks and fast movements. It originates from Korea and involves kicks, strikes, blocks and sweeps. Taekwondo is a fantastic option if you're looking to improve your cardio, flexibility and leg strength. You'll learn self-defence techniques and get the opportunity to compete if you want to.


Jujutsu is a Japanese martial art focused on grappling and ground fighting. It involves joint locks, throws and submission holds to take down an opponent. Jujutsu emphasises the use of an attacker's momentum against them, making it an excellent self-defence option. It also involves learning how to fall safely, which is an essential skill for martial artists.

Krav Maga

Krav Maga is an Israeli self-defence system used by military and law enforcement bodies worldwide. It's focused on reality-based scenarios and techniques designed for street fighting. Krav Maga empowers individuals with the skills to effectively defend against multiple attackers, disarm opponents, and excel in ground fighting techniques. Krav Maga classes emphasise high-intensity training and real-life scenarios, so be prepared to work hard.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

This Brazilian martial art specialises in ground fighting and precise submission holds. It involves grappling, rolling and locking positions, and it's considered one of the most effective martial arts for self-defence. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes aim to teach you how to control a larger and stronger opponent by using leverage and technique. It's an excellent addition to your self-defence skills arsenal and an excellent workout that focuses on mental toughness and body awareness.

In the end, there's a martial arts style out there for everyone, regardless of age, weight or fitness level. Whether you want to enhance your physical fitness, learn to defend yourself or connect with a community of like-minded people, martial arts can offer you many benefits. Remember, martial arts require discipline, commitment and patience. But the rewards are worth it. So, if you're ready to try something new, find a reputable martial arts school and check out one of these styles. 

For more info about martial arts classes, contact a local company. 
